Expert Witness
The team's peer-reviewed reports fulfil court requirements while conveying complex science simply and without jargon. Our forensic scientists are skilled communicators with a reputation for being fair-handed and robust. They often act as 'scientist for the court', even though the initial instruction may have been for the Defence. They give evidence in courts across the UK and internationally.
We can help by:
Producing peer reviewed Witness Statements and Technical Reports that meet the requirements of the UKCJS
Arranging case conferences with Counsel prior to trial to assist with understanding and strategy
Producing 'Advisory Reports' regarding SFR evidence to help in the early stages of proceedings
Supporting advocates in preparing for the cross examination of experts
Attending court in person or via video link to support Counsel during expert witness evidence
Giving live expert witness evidence, in person or via video link
Working within the framework of the Legal Aid Authority or for privately funded clients
If we are unable to help with your particular enquiry we have an extensive network of trusted collaborators and we will try and put you in touch with someone who can.